The Birth of a New Coffee Category

Coffee is one of the hottest commodities in the world. But it's not sustainable. In fact, significant coffee bean strains will become extinct in the next 20+ years. Plus, a lot of plantations will have to move in the next 30 yrs causing deforestation on the planet. My clients had this crazy idea. Make a completely sustainable, naturally-derived formula for making the best tasting coffee in the world–without the coffee bean. When we first met, they barely had their first protocept and they didn't have any idea what to name it. Oh, and they needed to have a brand developed because they had a major taste test presentation that was going to happen in 3 weeks!

The Solution: Atomo Molecular Coffee

The name Atomo was born from discussions of atoms and ingredients drilling down to their molecular level. Because the product was so futuristic and "out there", it started to take on this Jetsons feel with the crew, so we visually positioned the brand in an approachable, retro-futuristic way, using pop art to make an immediate visual impact like the great taste of Atomo Molecular Coffee.

Corporate Identity Mark

Original Sketches and Identity Presentation

Atomo Sketches

Website Design

A fully responsive corporate website was created to help communicate the Atomo messaging. Slanted divider lines and pop art were created to enhance the retro comic strip feel of the Atomo brand.

Atomo Molecular Coffee Website

Nitro & Cold Brew Packaging for Kickstarter Donators

Two flavors were developed and distributed to Atomo’s Kickstarter donators. I collaborated with another designer to develop wrap labels for the cans.

Face Mask Design for Covid-19 Mitigation

Face masks are pretty much required to wear while in public. Atomo decided people should look stylish while their out finding their favorite latte 😉

Protocept Labeling

Clinical labeling was developed to present the coffee flavors in a clinical fashion instead of consumer friendly design to help communicate that Atomo products are in a development/discovery phase.

Atomo Protocept Labeling